Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Deadlines 2005:
Tuesday 6th December: Oral presentation + written idea description
Monday 12th December: Workshop – re-write version 1
Tuesday 13th December: Workshop – re-write version 2
Thursday 15th December: Workshop – critique

Deadlines 2006:
Monday 9th January: Project description version 1
Wednesday 11th January: Project description version 2
Friday 13th January: Project description version 3 FINAL!

Week 3: GREEN LIGHT for project!
Week 4: Detailed production plan
Week 5: Workshop with WISE-Students
Week 6: WISE-Students go to NYC
Week 7: Kristina & Mette go to NYC

Week 10: Kristina back in Scandinavia
Week 12-13: Mette back in Scandinavia

Week 18: Exam project version 1
Week 19: Exam seminar
Week 21: Exam project final version
Week 22: Exam exhibition

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Letter to New York

Letter from my mentor Lars Lundbye to Simeon Bankoff, head of the Historic Districts Council:

"Dear Simeon,

I hope you’ve had a great summer.

As promised I now get back to you on our joint project: Creating a prototype for the Historic Districts Council’s virtual portal for communities and neighborhoods.

As we talked about the setup is as follows:

The Danish School of Television wants to expose the most talented of our students to extraordinary challenges, including building multimedia websites for companies in other countries. In the spring semester we are sending our students to USA, Spain and Ireland where they will stay between 5 and 12 weeks building the sites in collaboration with local businesses.

We work under the auspices of WISE (Workshop for Innovation Studies and Entrepreneurship) helping companies and organizations develop new innovative projects in collaboration with students from a number of Danish colleges and universities.

The students will arrive in New York February around Feb 6th, unless otherwise arranged with you.

Our students are very skilled, but building the multimedia websites is an educational challenge we impose on them, not professional work that would require payment.
The only thing required by Historic Districts Council, is that you provide workspace, coaching and equipment to the student – setting up a room at HDC on 11th street with four work spaces. Most likely the students will bring their own computers – but this you will talk with the students about.

I have as we agreed upon identified the first two students (two more will follow), so that you may enter a dialogue over the next couple of months as to the project goals and premises. Both of them, Mette Ohlendorff and Kristina Karlson, are very talented students: Creative Producer within Cultural Productions with each their angle: New Media design and film. To the team we will add a programmer and one more depending on the project description, that Mette and Kristina will produce with you over the next months.

There is some formalities that w e will have do, such as going through a visa process – where you will have to fill out a few papers, but we will get back to that.

I would like to have the students get in contact with you to do a tlph. Interview so that they can have a first hand impression of your ideas and visions. Is that OK, that I ask Mette and Kristina to mail you and arrange this?

I look very much forward to this project: It has great opportunities and challenges and I think it may form something that we can get back to in later projects as well.

Very best wishes


Lars Lundbye
The School of Television
Copenhagen, Denmark"

Friday, October 14, 2005

Meeting with Lars (01)

The task: Creating a prototype for the Historic Districts Council’s virtual portal for communities and neighbourhoods.

Historic Districts Council: Non-profit, politically oriented, private funding vs. credibility, St. Marks Chruch, East Village, run by Simeon + 3 staff members.

Perspectives: Culture, Business/economical, design/technological.
Directions: Journalistic or dynamic (or combination).

Notes: Community – physical vs. virtual. When are we together? What brings us together? The project as a tool for HDC? Maintenance: NYU-collaboration?. Project as a method/process to be applied anywhere? Focus on the process of mapping culture – the neighbourhood community as producer, not just user. Collective creativity.

To do:
CV’s ( Kristina & Mette’s profile + competences)

Funding (Scandinavian/American foundation, Sirius, Skanska/NCC, www.dac.dk, etc)

VISA (financial support by mah?)

Research (similar projects i.e. Paris, Mathias)

Monday, October 10, 2005

Record shop, Bastille, Paris

First entry...

Time to get this show on the road!

Monday, October 03, 2005


To contact the producers of Virtual Spaces of Identity
please write to the following Email Adress:


Any suggestions, questions, tips and enquiries are welcome!

About Metz & Kris

Mette Ohlendorff
Main areas of interest are New Media, Digital Video/Photography and Graphic Design with focus on Cultural Development and Media Convergence.

Cultural Production (MA)
School of Arts & Communication Malmö University

2003 - 2004
Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Deakin University, Melbourne

2001 - 2003
New Media Designer (KVU)
Media- & Business Academy

Kristina Karlsson
My main areas of interest are filmmaking and production with focus on Cultural Development and Documentary filmmaking.

2004 - 2006
Cultural Production
School of Arts & Communication
Malmö University

2002 - 2004
Film programme
Fridhem College of further education
Svalöv, Sweden

2000 - 2001
Foundations Studies
London College of Printing, The London Institute